A Sunny Saturday In The Yards

stockshowIn The Yards, NWSS Livestock Blog

The sun is shinning at yet another booming day in The Yards at the 2018 National Western Stock Show. 

Today in The Yards was the Angus Carload and Pen Show, Herd Sire Display and the Charolais Pen Show.

“The numbers are up,” said Kyle Mortensen, Yards Manager of the National Western Stock Show.

After thirty-one consecutive National Western Stock Shows, Mortensen isn’t close to calling it quits quite yet and is excited about the continued turnout of cattle enthusiasts who gathered from all across the nation.

“The pen shows are getting more popular and bigger each year,” Mortensen said. “We are the only stock show to host a show of its kind.”

This year, NWSS has seen record high numbers for the Charolais and Simmental breeds.

“The Herd Sire Display is as big as ever too,” he said. “The cattle on display draw quite a crowd.”

The sunshine and great weather helped with the significant turn out for the second weekend at the National Western Stock Show.