From the small town of South Solon, Ohio, Abbygail Pitstick is currently serving as the 2018 Hereford Queen.
We got a chance to sit down and ask her a few questions about her role as Queen.
Q: What is your favorite part about being the Hereford Queen?
A: My favorite part about being queen is being able to be someone that little girls look up to and be a role model for them. I love meeting them and taking pictures with them!
Q: What are some of your responsibilities at a show?
A: I am in charge of walking in the classes, handing out awards and making sure I am in all the photos throughout the show.
Q: How do you prepare for a big show like National Western?
A: Lots of sleep, always drinking enough water and eating a huge breakfast and dinner because I usually not get a chance to eat lunch!
Q: What’s one fun fact about you?
A: My family breeds and shows Mini Herefords.
American Hereford Associations Youth Activities Assistant and National Shows Coordinator, Bailey Clanton said, “Abby is a great ambassador to our breed association.”
Meet the Queen (Hereford, that is)