Mutton Bustin'
January 10-25, 2026
Register your cowpokes for a chance to mutton bust during the best 16 days in January!
One of the National Western’s most popular events, Frontier Airlines Mutton Bustin’, features children ages 5-7 and under 55 pounds riding sheep out of a chute and into the arena! Anything goes, and usually does, as contestants hold on as long as they can!
Presented by

In Rodeo Mutton Bustin'

In-rodeo mutton bustin’ is a crowd favorite! The audience cheers as kids play cowboys and do their best to hang onto a sheep as it runs across the rodeo arena.
Participation is limited to kids ages 5-7 and weighing under 55 lbs at the time of the competition.
Mutton Bustin' occurs during many of our 29 rodeo performances.
Registration for the 2025 show will open on October 14 and close on December 1, 2024
Stadium Arena Mutton Bustin'

Stadium Arena Mutton Bustin’ is an hour packed with nothing but pure Mutton Bustin’ fun! This event will take place in the historic 1909 Stadium Arena during the January 2025 show. 50 future cowboys or cowgirls per night will be selected to join in on the fun!
January 13 | 6 p.m.
January 16 | 6 p.m.
Registration for the 2025 show will open on October 14 and close on December 1, 2024